Occupational Licensing
7 Stories in this series
In this series, we explore how and why occupational licenses get created, which states have the worst track records, and the stories of real people who have had to give up their careers because of these laws.

Eminent Domain
2 Stories in this series
In this series, the government often frames eminent domain as a necessary evil, a rule that gives authorities the right to redistribute private land, putting it to use for roads, schools, or hospitals. But should the government ever be allowed to seize property from a citizen who is unwilling or unable to sell? When the government is granted this power, people’s rights are inevitably trampled.

Civil Asset Forfeiture
2 Stories in this series
In this series, civil asset forfeiture takes the bedrock of the American justice system, “innocent until proven guilty,” and flips it on its head. Owners must prove that their property wasn’t involved in any crime, which can be almost impossible to do.