Occupational Licensing: Explained
For orthodontists like Dr. Ben Burris, getting a license to work in his field made sense.
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Free Together shares the stories of real Americans whose lives, businesses, and communities have been negatively impacted by bad public policy. The Free Together community is a network of impassioned citizens who believe that we can build a more just, free, and prosperous America by shining a light on government overreach at every level.
Do you have a story to share? Let us know.
For orthodontists like Dr. Ben Burris, getting a license to work in his field made sense.
Appalled at the level of corruption and voter fraud in her hometown of Houston, TX, Catherine decided to do more than just vote and founded the organization True the Vote.
Her life was turned upside-down when two Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents knocked on her door and told Carole that the government had seized her checking account of more than $32,000 through the process of civil forfeiture.
Rep. Josh Elliott, champion of the $15 minimum wage, pays employees $10.50 per hour
We’ve seen this before: politicians who demand businesses pay their employees $15/hour, but pay their own employees at a lower rate.
We talk a lot about the need to adjust some of the unnecessary and burdensome regulations that keep people out of work, Many of you have asked great questions about how reform would affect public safety, whether or not occupational licensing is really that big of a problem, and what can be done to fix it.